Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Ann & Terry (and Charlotte)

Ann is my wonderful best buddy. We have been friends since we were 13/14 years old- so that's twenty years. I would have gotten less for murder. I am trying to brain-wash her into Columbo (raincoated sleuth), but as yet, efforts have failed. She has me obsessed with Sweet Chilli sauce from Dominos, which can't be good- as I have to order a Dominos to have some *looks at waistline*. Tez and her have been together forever and have a lovely daughter, aged one, Charlotte. I was privileged to be asked to be her GodMum and I love it! What worries me is that I remember Tez's 21st Birthday party...gulp *Celia checks for wrinkles*...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey..ignore the Waistline...we, your lunchbunch buddies, are all still extremely proud of you for loosing all that weight, even if it does mean that you can't look at Jacket Potatoes ever again!!!
