Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Celia takes to water...again...gasp gasp

Yes. Don't laugh. It runs in the family. My cousin Lorraine in East Kilbride was a very successful swimmer in her teens, swimming for Scotland etc. And as hard as it is to believe (looks at waistline), I was once a water baby, in a racing team for School and was in heats for Lancashire. That was until I had a v bad accident in the pool. Some idiot decided to swim in the racers cordoned off area, and whilst practising a racing dive, this idiot thought it the perfect time to be in the racing lane- not noticing enire squad of flippin' swimmers there! Yep you guessed it- I didn't see him cut across the racing lane as a shortcut and his fist whacked into my left ear as I was entering the water from the racing dive. My coach had to help me out of the pool whilst the idiot got a telling off, and as my ear was bleeding, I was taken to hospital. Cue one entire year of being forbidden to swim by the GP and ENT consultant, and that I should count myself lucky I didn't lose any hearing , and that I only had internal injuries to my ear (due to the force of the blow forcing water in a vaccum into the inner ear and perforating my eardrum (pardon? lol). But when your 13-14 all you think is "that's my racing chances over forever then"

I've swam every so often since, but as it tends to hurt my ear if swimming more than 30 lengths, so my favourite obsession became something I stopped doing.

My Physio Bob Ward (ex Chelsea FC physio) advised me to take up Pilates and swim to strengthen my back muscles. Cue Vanessa, a biker-chick who also happens to be a vicar's wife, who is one of my work buddies along with Hazel (Hazie-babes). Mad as a March Hare lol! Well she asked me last week if I fancied going swimming as she wanted to get fitter and knew I was swimming on medical orders. I said yes, and so today for the first time in ages I had a swimming buddy! (Darren hates swimming). Iwas abit naughty actually as I only stopped antibiotics for an ear-infection (yep the left one) this morning...but I'm sure I'll be fine!

Only managed 15-17 laps (lost count) , so not v pleased, but the longest journey starts with the smallest step etc etc. All I know is that I felt great doing it (except for eyes being burnt out with chlorine- note to self, purchase goggles asap)....but now the rot is setting in.

A little ache here, a little ache there...by tomorrow I shall be bent over like a arthritic hooker.

1 comment:

NDF said...

Hi Cousin,

you won t belive it. Paul and I started swimming 3 weeks ago. We join my preggy friend, who was told to stop doing her stepaerobics now. Paul has problems with his discs and was told to swim. And I just want to get fit and lose some weight. Its quite fun and the hammam afterwards is very relaxing.