Friday, June 09, 2006


13.21. Still no sign of Double-glazing bloke.

Worried if sit out in back garden, won't hear him knock on the door (no bell).

Considers making cup of tea.

13.25 Sipping said cup of tea. Typically, sky now clouding over. God did this on purpose as this morning I went to local Chemist and bought TWO bottles of sun lotion in anticipation of excellent sunning weather.

13.29 Telephone rings. Pick up as think will be Double-glazing guys saying they're nearby. It's my pal Denise just callin' for a quick chat as she knows I'm off work for window repairs. Am told my friend Bev has pulled a sickie and is setting off in half an hour to camp site for weekend of World Cup, booze and sunbathing. She laughs at my sun lotion/no sun situation and hangs up.

I finish tea and start on nice cold long glass of Robinson's lemon Barley water.

13.42 Sun has come out! Slathered on sun lotion, donned sunglasses and went into backgarden. Reading my latest Astronomy magazine (it's great- all about Supernovas, Comets and the theories on Dark matter). Cat kept me company by sitting under the sunchair in the shade.

13.56 Sun went in.

15.20 Finished chat with Darren who phoned me from work, checking on progress re: window repair. I telephoned Safestyle and they informed me they had left a telephone message this morning, advising the work was cancelled! Apparently the unit was inspected by engineer this morning and found to be damaged. Great. So have re-booked installation of unit and repair of window lock for 20th June. The only thing good about this, is that I have had a nice afternoon in the backgarden. Darren has booked the 20th off to stay in the house. Not a bad day- it's an England game day in the World Cup, so D getting in the diary is excellent luck.

Although disappointed re: windows, have decided that after all that sunning (albeit with cloud cover most of the afternoon- didn't mind as it was hot) and drinking lemon barley water, I shall look healthy and radiant! I am hatching cunning plan that hopefully D shall agree to- a night of Dominos pizza, vodka, and XBox 'Need for Speed'- we're racing for 2nd place now yipee! (Yes I am a console game junkie).

Ahh time for painkillers- back has kicked off. Ciao for now xxx


NDF said...

Hi there. Hope your back is getting better! When we flit - hopefully we find a bigger flat soon - you have to come over and visit us. We ll go out for some bevies and you can have a go on Need for Speed (but only on the computer) against Paul. Paul s played it so long until he was 1st with every car... He was addicted to that game until I gave it back to my friends husband, who it belongs to. Enjoy your weekend!

Anonymous said...

envy, envy. Cold and wet on this side of the world. Enjoy the sun and hope all goes well with double glazing.
Keep up with swimming and back excercises -