Monday, June 12, 2006

Lee and Andrea - What a Send off...

10th June...England's first World Cup match, but we were all thinking of something else more important...our chance to send Lee of in style before doing his duty with the Royal Navy again.

After the match we all sat outside in the blistering hot sunshine, sipping beers and generally getting merry. This photo here shows most of us (except me 'cos I'm taking the photo lol, D was at the bar and James hadn't arrived yet):
From the top left, Steve, Lee, Andrea, Steve Smith; bottom left: Gill Shirls and Coral.

We all had a cracking time, and the girls were talking about a possible girly weekend away in Centerparcs, and all of us going on a barge trip...will have to see what the future holds and if anything gets planned. It was the first time we had seen Steve S since Coral's housewarming, and we all took great delight in reminding him of his staggering off down the road with a glassful of JD and fruit- he doesn't remember anything after 8pm, apparently. He awoke the next day to find his shirt full of chocolate where the other Steve had been patting fondue chocolate onto his back...

Lee Andrea me and D

We carried on into town and hit other various drinking establishments, and a cracking time was being had by all. The gang are so brilliant and we'll look after Andrea whilst you're away, Lee!

We were having a ball chatting and drinking in the Litton Tree, when suddenly, my back and hip just 'went'- never experienced pain like it, thought I'd ripped something. I was the one in tears, and had to come home early about 11.30 p.m. after being out only six hours. I had worn boring shoes, hadn't been dancing, sat down alot- been very sensible frankly!- and still cannot fathom why it 'went' with such viciousness.
Anyway I managed to keep my composure enough to say my goodbyes to Lee and Andrea, and I hobbled with tears streaming down my face into a taxi. I was at this point virtually unable to walk and couldn't weight-bear on my right leg at all. It is amazing how soberity hits when pain does. Frankly I was really upset and distressed when I got home- is this damn thing never going to get better? Why is it always one step forward two steps back? Why did it happen when I was out TODAY on such an important day? etc. I was mortified and felt v self-'s Celia with her bad back again...

Sunday 11th June

Woke every half hour throughout the night with pain. Hit painkillers all day. By the end of the day I could put my foot down onto the floor and 'hobble'. Good sign. Now think I've just twisted my spine/iliac joint. Did exercises to gently stretch the damaged tendon in hip/back and rested. Think everyone had a belting night- thought about texting Shirls or Andrea to see how long they went on for but didn't feel up to human contact. Supposed to chat to KC too, but just felt ill all day.

Monday 12th June

Called work and booked a day off. Leg still v sore but can gently walk around house now. Felt exhausted and sick from painkillers and had power nap in the afternoon. I intend to return to work tomorrow. Had a lovely natter with KC who telephoned me, and D and I had our long-awaited Dominos! The weather has been beautiful in Blackpool for a change- we've actually had some sunshine for more than 4 hours! This is 4 days worth now lol! Aunt Lorraine in Oz has told me it's rainy Down Under, as it's their Winter...sending sunshine rays to you petal xxx

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