Monday, July 03, 2006

Visiting Karen & Stef

23-25th June: It's the weekend where Karen and Stef usually go to Glastonbury. Sadly, this year, the 'ground is resting', and so it's not on. Celia decided that bein' a psychology graduate 'n' all, that her best bud required emergency counselling and support. She rallied all her shady business chums from her times as an Insurance Advisor in Solihull to throw Karen a party!

Thus, Shifnal Carnival was born!!!

Celia smug infront of her carnival

Nah not really. And I bet you knew I was lying. Nevermind.

Well D and I made it down to KC and Stefs, and a grand time was had by all. They took us out to Cadbury's World in Bournville Birmingham (ahhh...yum yum yumm)'s the main factory in the UK where Cadbury's chocolate is made, and it was pretty interesting! It was, of course, pushing the Cadbury's Is Best marketing, but that's to be expected. They gave away free choccie bars and the factory shop was v good! We all came away with lots of chocolate- not all of it for me lol! I bought some for my work colleagues and staff (they were very pleased), as well as Dad- and of course afew for me tee hee!

Celia and Karen-KC-in Cadbury's

There was a small nugget of truth in the first is the weekend KC and Stef usually go to Glasto, and it does fall on the same days as the Shifnal Carnival- so we had a peek as you can see!

KC and Stef then had a fab BBQ where we had a lovely night eating al fresco, nibbling and drinking outdoors on the patio as the light faded, warmed by the BBQ coals and warm soft night breeze...

and then these barm-pots below turned up and spoilt everything.

Darren and Stef compete in the "Impersonation of the Hammer House Butler answering-the-door Competition"

Fab weekend!


NDF said...

Oh I ve once been to to Cadburys and loved it there! But i loved the away free choccie bars best. :-)

Anonymous said...

We had a great time seeing you guys, We've got to sort somthing out to come visit you soon :D .

I'm still having freeky dreams about the coca bean ride, "feed me more choclate nooooowwww"
