Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Old telly in explosion drama

Ok. I exaggerate. I've always had a penchant for tabloid journalism (comes from my studying it at Uni lol) didn't really moment it was on, the next, it just went "squueeeakk" and then went off an hour after our return on Monday night from Gran Canaria.

Indeed, with the excitement of returning to ol' Blighty, (getting the washing in and out of the washing machine, phoning friends and family that had sent birthday cards whilst I was away and preparing for two meetings I had the next day at work whilst being totally shattered after the flight and long day), I didn't have the strength to mention in my Blog entry that Darren's beloved Phillip's 24" television set is no more.

It has ceased to be.

I looked up and squeaked. Darren came into the room and asked what was wrong...I could only whimper " itself off and is now making squeaky noises".

No amount of subtle tweaking, fiddling with the remote or flinging the damn thing across the room worked. (Note- we didn't actually do the last thing. But I was very tempted).

So Tuesday, after my two meetings in the morning, I came home and we got to searching the ol' Web for a new telly. I decided that I would see it as a good, not bad, situation, and that I would turn it round into an opportunity to buy a new funky slimline HD Ready one!

So here it is...paid for yesterday, it arrives tomorrow morning.

Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you, the new member of the O'Neill-Rigby household, the 32 " LCD HD Ready Toshiba!!

From dark beginnings (well a dark knackered tv tube) comes bountiful light!!



Anonymous said...

Thank goodness for your blog!

Welcome Home - Sorry about the sunburn. Ow, I told you so.

Busy,Busy,Busy. Keeps you out of mischief.

New TV looks a bit of okay - Enjoy

Anonymous said...

LOL what an excuse he he