Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Artistic flair, Chiros and Dresses...

Here’s some creativity! Well, as you know I’m on Slimming World (and doing v well- lost 5lbs and counting- I hope!!), and one of my fave nibbles is Babybels lites –small snack-size Edam cheeses. One of my wee habits is rolling the wax cover of the cheese into little balls. At work today, I rolled two of them together, and then one of my pals (Spanish-speaking Jane) gave me HER Babybel ‘coats’…which made it bigger again. I then added the wax strip and made a little mouth, then Jane added some goggly-eyes and some hair from a wee stick-on bug she had on her pc. Resulting in this amazing creative piece of nouveau sculpture!!!

The EdamBoy I made for my pal Margery to cheer her up!

I'm feeling good- Chiro chuffed with my fast progress since the 'funny do' four weeks ago. To be honest I didn't realise I was being monitored so closely, and infact I thought my progress was normal! Saw him last week and he's v pleased with how I'm doing. Neck has still been a tad shady but the Kapake painkillers keep that in check, so that's fine. Still overly-tired, but could be down to weather or my new meds, although I have been told it's the after-effects of the 'do' on my body. Advised that although I'm coming along faster than most patients, I'm still to expect some after-effects as my body was in distress for hours, and they still don’t know what it was. I await my neurological appointment with interest!

So I'm sleeping well and eating well- still at Slimming World and enjoying it! Yes, Celia has found new recipes and so isn't bored to death like last time. Hope to lose some more weight (weigh-in tomorrow night)...1 wk to the wedding in Ireland. I bought a dress three weeks ago and it didn’t fit. Now it DOES! I know I know, enough laughing…dress! I know Janet, the bride, will take the pee out of me...last time she saw my legs was when we were in school uniform... and I'm not joking lmao!!!

And just to confuse/enlighten...

Here's a picture of my desk at work!!

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